Taylor Ford knew she needed to find the time to slow down and work on her business because she was struggling to find focus. She owned one IT business that offered numerous facets of IT work. However, Ford struggled to create a clear direction for her services because of the company’s extensive reach.
Aware that she needed help to develop and focus her business, Ford signed up for Omicelo Cares’ 7 Pillars™ of Sustainable Business program. This program centers on seven different business sectors, which are Strategy, Technology, Communication, Finance, Legal, Capital, and People, gearing toward each participant’s business’ unique needs.
This program provided Ford with mentorship, guidance, and support focusing on the strategy and marketing pillars.
“My favorite part about that was actually the one-on-one mentoring with 7 Pillars™ Manager, Shannon,” Ford said about the Omicelo Care’s team member. “She became a real friend in my business; a real partner. And she helped me with my strategy, and she helped me conceptualize who I actually was in business and what I wanted to do and the impact that I wanted to make.”
Focusing and Strategizing Her Business
Through the support of Omicelo Cares, Ford successfully separated her business into two distinct companies: Taylor Made IT Services and IT’s For Me. Both of her businesses are centered on giving technology access to minorities, but each has its specific focus.
Taylor Made IT Services offers IT managerial services with on-site help, unique from most IT companies.
“What differentiates Taylor made is we have a lot of on-site help,” Ford said. “We literally contract out our department. We come embedded in integral parts of our clients’ environments and ecosystems because we are their staff members; we are their technicians.”
Taylor Made’s next goal is to take over the charter school scene to make sure that there is a Taylor Made technician in every charter school serving minorities, Ford said.
On the other hand, IT’s For Me teaches the community how to utilize various mainstream technology through summer programs and after-school camps.
“The after-school programs help the children be creative and innovative using technology,” Ford explained. “It supports the theme that they don’t all have to be basketball players and football players. They can be astronauts, they can be engineers, they can be scientists, and allowing them the space to create, to be innovative, to think, has really changed the game for them.”
IT’s For Me currently partners with after-school programs, but they will host their own after-school programs and summer camps next year. At these programs and camps, the kids can work on varying projects, including designing websites, building fliers, working on their resumes and cover letters, learning the Microsoft Office Suite, and collaborating in a group. These events focus on varying sectors of technology.
Ford explained that her companies didn’t change all that much; they both still offered the same services.
“It was more so an internal separation that really needed to happen for our clients,” Ford said. “There was a service shift.”
This focus and separation improved her work environment by establishing a clear direction for her team by always relating their services to their mission.
“It’s improved my overall quality of life because I have a tidbit of my sanity back because now I know which way I am going,” Ford said.
Support On Her Business Journey
Omicelo Cares and their partners came alongside Ford to support her as a business partner to obtain tangible results by slowing down and working on her business.
“They helped me build upon what exactly my company does,” Ford said. “So, that’s why I separated them. They were able to help me to clarify my message for each of them because they don’t do the same thing. They don’t have the same clientele. They’re not the same target market.”
The program’s collaborative nature enabled Ford and other participants to focus solely on their business with the help of Omicelo Cares’ business professionals.
Separating her two businesses clarified which services were being offered to each customer.
7 Pillars™ of Sustainable Business
Ford highly recommends the 7 Pillars™ of Sustainable Business program because of how the mentors support you and become your partners and friends.
“[They] built a rapport with me that is very hard to build, and they kept that rapport,” Ford said.
The 7 Pillars™ of Sustainable Business is a hands-on, personalized experience that forces you to work on your business, Ford said. It teaches that with all seven pillars, your business can be structured to achieve income growth and sustainability:
The 7 Pillars™ include:
- Strategy
- Technology
- Communication
- Finance
- Legal
- Capital
- People
Visit our website to learn more about the 7 Pillars™ of Sustainable Business program and how it can help you grow your business.